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What is ShopART?

ShopART Midwest is an artist-centric, non-commission gallery that connects Midwest artists to the buyers who appreciate living with the arts and handcrafted items. This is a service by Twin Rivers Council for the Arts supporting our local culture makers and making it easier for anyone to bring special, handmade arts into their lives.

Five Friends Deep

About Artwork

Hard Cover
Having friends is fun, but what if your friends have crooked noses and button eyes? Extraordinarily long tails? Four Feet? Blue Ears? Can be stacked in a pile five friends deep? Then it’s even more fun, of course! Read about one child’s collection of unique friends in Five Friends Deep, a collection of short poems and charming illustrations for children ages 4-8.

Cost: $19.00

Signed: Yes


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About the Artist

Paula Morhardt was born on April 1and has been writing since a young child. She has had small poems published in various small magazines in the past. That all changed in 2017. On the morning of November 14, Paula found her husband of 42 years dead in his chair. He had died in his sleep, and Paula suddenly found herself a widow- and living on her own for the first time in her life. Her best friend, her mother, passed away the day after her husband. Paula wrote in the blog she started the day after her mother passed- “I have lost my two best friends. I cannot call mom and cry about losing my husband, and neither can I feel his arms around me and his voice rumble in his chest while I cry about mom.” She started a blog, Widow’s Walk, and wrote each day on her journey to find herself in this new land. In 2019, she self published with Amazon, and Widow’s Walk: How My World Ended And What Happened After was released to the world, and her moment of greatest despair became her moment of saving grace. She has since had three poetry books published. Paula spends each day learning how to live not only as a widow, but as a single person, something she had never done before. She lives alone with her two calico cats and gardens, both vegetables and flowers, and also has quite a fruit orchard as well. She spends as much time as possible with her 5 grandchildren, and her beloved rescue cats. In her spare time, she quilts, sews, and works on her scroll saw.
