Shop Artists
- AJ Aburto
- Staci Andrea
- Dave Angell
- Sacha Bliese
- William Carlberg
- Kevin Caufield
- Patty Conlin
- Marcy Costello
- Sean and Trang Nguyen Cusick
- Deep Valley Book Festival
- Viktoria Domask-Ruh
- Bob Doring
- Curt Dumdie
- Luke Ellison
- M E Fuller
- John Gaspard
- Kiersten Hall
- Jeremy Heath
- James Henke
- Lolly Hinkle
- Delayne Hostetler
- Benji Inniger
- Signe Jeremiason
- Erik Kask
- Jane Kietzer-Mickey & Me Stained Glass
- Patricia Kness
- Karen Knierim
- Angela Korte
- Daron Krueger
- Andie Kukacka
- Dinah Langsjoen
- Tom Lazar
- Selena Medellin
- Cheri Meyer
- Jill Miller
- Wyatt Miller
- Linda Mix Yates
- Paula Morhardt
- Kristin Musser
- Jonathan Nibbe
- Chris Norbury
- Clyde Olson
- Susan Panciera
- Betty Brandt Passick
- Sheryl Paulson
- Rita Prahl
- Kelly Radotich
- Amber Rahe
- Ann Ringness
- Laura Ross
- Pegeen Rozeske
- Jessica Ruby
- Jack Rupert
- Anita Scepurek
- Julie Schrader
- Ashley Siehler
- Jon Smithers
- Mary Solberg
- Angel Solo
- Adama Sow
- Stephanie Spencer
- Bruce Steffen
- Vincent Strait
- Nancy Stroessner
- Kathryn Sullivan
- Annie Survis
- Dustin Swiers
- Shayna Swiers
- Ralph Undis
- Mary Ann Waldron
- Anne Wayman
- Alicia Weagel
- Steven Weagel
- Malia Wiley
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What is ShopART?
ShopART Midwest is an artist-centric, non-commission gallery that connects Midwest artists to the buyers who appreciate living with the arts and handcrafted items. This is a service by Twin Rivers Council for the Arts supporting our local culture makers and making it easier for anyone to bring special, handmade arts into their lives.
Kristin Musser
I have been working in silver for about 10 years. I love working with my hands to make beautiful, accessible pieces of wearable art.